

When I was at the beach over Thanksgiving, my Boyfriend and I enjoyed a morning of walking on and around Kuta Beach.  I ran into this very vain seagull there.  I love when impromptu photo shoots happen when you least expect it.  This is what happened with this guy.


He was pearched on a pole and everytime I got close to him, he would jump to the next pole about 3 feet away.  He was completely not scared and he had no desire to fly away.  So I just kept walking up to him and he kept jumping back and forth between poles.


I could only take one photo each time he jumped.  It was a crap shoot as to what I would get.  There was no time to frame the shot or to think at all.  I just kept clicking.


The very top shot is the money shot.  I love it so very much.  But I had to take many, many pictures to get that one shot.  But that was more than half of the fun.  I loved hanging with this very vain guy and the experience of trying to catch him in flight.


Looking through all of the outtakes was great fun.  I've posted a few of my favorites.  Sometimes the not so perfect pictures are pretty darn great too.


Below is my guy looking oh so very cool.  He was still there when I walked away.  I don't think he was ready to end the photo shoot.



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