
This guy is very very stupid. I thought he had never come school. so he's stupid like this. Do you also think like me?

car hit-plane???

Stupid car crashed into a plane,How could this have happened? Very strange, or indeed just who stupid human hahaha

look at behind the car

I didn't hit anything. No damage to the truck or plastic. It did snow last week but it got up to 50F today. So if it was ice it would have melted. It feels like there is something shoved up under the plastic. Any ideas about what this might be and how to fix it?

Snow mold shaped like a car???

A car like this occurs approximately where? and when? hahaha,the owner no matter until his car buried in snow


Sports part 2

previously there was a part 1 SPORT
now sports ridiculous part 2

1. Let's see

2. Let's see

3. Let's see
      maybe after the game squashed his face

4. Let's see

5. Let's see

6. Let's see 
     yeah, definitely sick

7. Let's see
    get ready for it? hahaha 

Anywhere, Anything, etc

wherever the people strange (the idiots) can perform silliness
example in the pictures below
1. Let's see

2. Let's see

3. Let's see

4. Let's see

5. Let's see

6. Let's see

They do very stupid

World in 10 Years beacuse of INTERNET

funny photos World in 10 Years beacuse of INTERNET

1. Let's see

2. Let's see

3. Let's see

4. Let's see

5. Let's see

6. Let's see

7. Let's see

8. Let's see

Starved in a Foreign Land

In this week I've been abroad, I have been periodically - actually, daily - craving 
something besides Korean food. Although I reserve breakfast for my daily bread, rice , and cereal, which I've been eating since as long as I can remember, lunch and dinner are almost always Korean affairs. Of course, we eat pizza outside once in awhile, but it bears almost no resemblance to its American progenitor. I crave the salt and grease of a patriotism-inducing pepperoni-and-sausage pizza. Ironically, this situation inversely mirrors the one I was in while backpacking through Singapore. Back then, I craved the spicy richness of Korean food, so you can imagine my ecstatic surprise when I found an Italian market that had Shin Ramen. It's times like this when I realize just how Indonesia I am and need variety. God bless( food)!


anyang hasio! yeah. 5 days vacation in korea was a trip to remember, in fact one of the best trip we've had. fffuuuuhh glad to be home, close to friends! but its back to normal whether, hot. xx syoiik. :P and it was hell freakin cold there. Anywayyy *meen's way* hehe meen was our korean tour guide, a very cute and very nice korean citizen. we arrived there early in the morning and we had to wait for meen for about an hour because she kinda messed up the time a little, so we waited for her at the airport and there u know, theres this kind of police i think.. they wear all black with their rifle and black sunglasses. exactly like the one in the drama kan.. and silly little me, spontaneously made some stupid gun shot action when they were right behind me, and they saw me..! so they just stare at me when they passed by.. and i smiled at them! and thank god, the gentleman smiled back :P fuuh. first korean lunch wasnt so pleasing, obviously the restaurant smelled so ikan-ish. but what to do, still had to eat my lunch. before the day end, we went to a little street where winter sonata was shot, and when i came out from one of the shop, i heard someone saying 'hello hello' so i turned around and didnt bother, she keeps on calling so i turned back again, and then she asked , where we're from. tu jeee. another friendly korean citizen because u know, korean ppl are quite shy with foreigners, thats what meen says la.the 2nd day was the climax of the tour. skiing! 1st and hopefully not my last time. my 1st attempt was infact good, i did not fall! hehe adam too was really great, i think he looked the part most. very smart. i cant post any pic now cuz havent upload em. i will post later. anyhow we ski at the beginners zone je la. bossaan. i wanted to go a little higher but my dad didnt wanna take me because he cant ski that well! ahaha where by i can. lol =p so xpela. show some mercy.basically we spend the whole day at the ski world, but at night we went to the top of the cliff and the temperature was as low as -4 degree and i was kinda shaking gak ah and i took a picture with a korean guy. x tau malu*the rest of the day was fun! i think i shouldnt elaborate because then i dont know when will it end la. ouuhh yeahh.. the food, they have this one specialty, they have it everywhere.. its called 'kimchi' some kind of a spicy cabbage, and i kinda like it. and theres this day where we had lunch the tradition korean style, its in a metal Tupperware. something like that la. they call it 'lunch box' kot and theres only rice, egg, and kimci in it. we have to shake it so that it mix well before havin it. i remembered qasim told me bout this dish where he said ' x lalu makan'. but it turns out good for me, i even finished it. and for that matter, Qasim said im weird, dier yg weird. for a matter of fact, im unique not weird ! sengal nye budak.after the 2nd day, we did the typical touring la. goin around the city, museum, shopping n all. mama got herself a handbag and fazril! i said 'no thanks' to my mom when she asked if i wanted to buy. HAAA! cun gile kan. so i end up buying accessories and souvenirs for friends, that all.o and a necklace. there was no line for any of our phone line accept for 3G so handphone was off all the time and when i reached malaysia, i couldnt receive any msg for the past 5 days. i wasn't really tired when i reach here because i slept in the plane. ouh and brought home flu and cough with me, a souvenirs for myself from korea. mcm TOOT. im still havin em rite now. haih. and then later that night i accidentally had a long phone call with qasim. sengal nye qasim. thats all la, kinda lazy to write dah! 'kamsa hamida!'

Coba Menu Asli Indonesia di Padi Restaurant

Bali merupakan ikon wisata Indonesia. Kemeriahan dan menu masakan Bali selalu dirindukan para pecintanya.

Padi Restaurant merupakan restoran bergaya modern minimalis yang terletak di Jakarta Selatan. Selain menyajikan aneka menu Nusantara, Padi Restaurant juga menghidangkan antara lain masakan-masakan Asia, Western, dan Eropa.

Dengan desain interior yang bernuansa Bali, Padi Restaurant sangat tepat bagi Anda yang sangat menyukai Pulau Dewata. Suasana nyaman dengan dominasi pernak-pernik Bali ini membuat acara makan Anda menjadi tak terlupakan. Sangat tepat untuk acara-acara keluarga atau sekadar bertemu teman dan sahabat.

Prestasi Padi Restaurant dalam soal rasa sudah dibuktikan dengan memenangkan juara 1 dan 2 dalam Luvinary Contest 2010 yang diikuti oleh 12 hotel terbesar di Indonesia. Padi Restaurant sendiri berada dalam bendera Puri Denpasar Hotel. Kualitas para chef-nya pun tak diragukan lagi, karena mampu menyuguhkan menu-menu yang terbukti disukai. Silakan Anda coba beberapa menu favorit, seperti Nasi Campur Denpasar, Chicken Salad Wantilan Karang Asem, Ayam Kung Pao, dan Es Campur ala Padi Restaurant.

Kurang Tidur Pengaruhi Kesehatan

Apakah Anda sering merasa lupa atau sulit untuk berkonsentrasi? Waktu tidur Anda pada malam hari kurang dari enam jam? Nah, jika ini yang dirasakan, maka tidak diragukan lagi Anda kurang tidur.

Ya, kurang tidur disadari atau tidak, dapat membuat seseorang sulit untuk berpikir jernih dan tidak mampu menekan emosi. Umumnya banyak orang yang kurang tidur tidak menyadari efek kurang tidur sangat memengaruhi kesehatan pikiran dan mentalnya.
Padahal, tidur bukan hanya mengistirahatkan tubuh. Lebih dari itu, tidur sudah terbukti dapat meningkatkan daya ingat, penglihatan, dan kemampuan belajar.
"Ketika tertidur, sama saja Anda menyimpan energi di tubuh," kata Barry Krakow MD dalam laman
Pengarang buku Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: 7 Keys to Sleeping Through the Night ini mengatakan, saat istirahat, tubuh mencoba untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri.
"Hal ini yang menjadikan manusia mampu untuk melakukan kegiatan,baik secara fisik maupun mental," imbuhnya.
Mencukupi waktu tidur merupakan hal krusial yang masih banyak dipandang sebelah mata. Mereka tidak mengetahui bahwasanya kurang tidur dapat berimbas pada berbagai hal yang merugikan diri mereka sendiri. Sebut saja proses berpikir yang menjadi lambat.
Para ahli yang meneliti soal tidur ini menemukan bahwa waktu tidur yang berkurang dapat berujung pada rendahnya kewaspadaan dan konsentrasi. Rendahnya kewaspadaan dan konsentrasi inilah yang kemudian menghambat performa dan membuat orang sulit untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang membutuhkan logika dan rasional.
Kurang tidur juga berakibat menurunnya kemampuan untuk membuat keputusan. Penjelasannya sederhana saja, yakni absennya kemampuan untuk menilai sesuatu dan menentukan sikap.Kurangnya waktu tidur juga memengaruhi kemampuan untuk belajar secara dua arah.
Sebab, Anda tidak mampu untuk memfokuskan diri sehingga sulit mencerna informasi. Memori atau daya ingat juga dipertaruhkan dalam hal ini. Pada diri anak-anak atau remaja, kurang tidur dapat membuatnya menjadi hiperaktif dan sulit belajar.
Mereka cenderung kehilangan konsentrasi, kerajinan, dan menurunkan kapasitas daya ingat yang diperlukan untuk berprestasi di sekolah. Asisten profesor di Fakultas Kedokteran University of Maryland School Avelino Verceles MD mengatakan, "Ketika seseorang tidur, berbagai hal yang telah kita pelajari dan alami selama seharian penuh, akan tersimpan dalam memori jangka pendek," katanya.
Avelino menambahkan, ketika tengah mengantuk, orang akan sering merasa lupa akan sesuatu hal. Misalnya saja tempat ia meletakkan barangnya.Kondisi ini karena sedang mengantuk dan akan memperburuk daya ingat.
"Saat Anda tidak mampu berkonsentrasi, informasi yang diterima tidak akan tersimpan baik di memori jangka pendek ataupun panjang," sebut Allison T Siebern PhD, yang memperdalam studinya pada program tentang kesehatan tidur dan insomnia di Stanford University.
Selain berbagai keadaan yang sudah disebutkan tadi, kurang tidur juga menjadikan waktu reaksi seseorang lebih lambat. Kemampuan ini padahal amat diperlukan, terutama ketika seseorang tengah menyetir atau melakukan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan reaksi yang cepat.
Badan Administrasi Keselamatan Jalan Bebas Hambatan (The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) memperkirakan sedikitnya ada 100.000 tabrakan yang dilaporkan ke polisi setiap tahunnya akibat pengemudi yang mengantuk. Kejadian ini terutama menimpa remaja dan orang dewasa, terutama kaum pria.
Mereka bisanya adalah pekerja paruh waktu yang bekerja pada malam hari atau bekerja pada waktu yang tidak tetap, juga orang-orang yang mengalami gangguan tidur. Lambannya kemampuan orang untuk bereaksi akan membahayakan dirinya sendiri.
Pada studi yang dilakukan pada 2009, peneliti dari Universitas Texas menemukan bahwa waktu istirahat yang terganggu akan menghambat terintegrasinya informasi. Ini adalah suatu fungsi pada pikiran yang bergantung pada kemampuan memutuskan sesuatu. Peneliti berpendapat, profesi seperti pemadam kebakaran, polisi, dan tentara sangatlah rentan akan fungsi yang satu ini. Kurang tidur juga memengaruhi mood secara signifikan.
Menyebabkan seseorang menjadi lebih peka dan semakin berkurangnya kemampuan untuk mengontrol emosi.
"Lambat laun keadaan ini akan memengaruhi hubungan asmara,atau bahkan pekerjaan seseorang," ujar Allison.
Bahkan, penderita gangguan tidur yang sudah kronis akan berpeluang menderita depresi.Ini terungkap dalam sebuah studi pada 2005 silam yang menyebutkan bahwa orang dengan penyakit insomnia 10 kali lebih berisiko terkena depresi dan 17 kali lebih berisiko menderita kegelisahan ketimbang orang yang cukup tidur.
Kurang tidur dan depresi sangat erat kaitannya sehingga membuat para ahli juga bingung menentukan mana dari dua keadaan tersebut yang datang lebih dulu pada pasiennya.
"Tidur dan mood juga saling berpengaruh," sebut Allison.


Berikut adalah daftar Kepala Sekolah yang pernah memimpin SMPN 5 Cirebon

1. Drs. Sugiarto
2. Drs. Hadi Suroyo
3. Drs. Endang Samsudin
4. Drs. Ading
5. Dra. Enok Suarni
6. H. Sueb
7. Drs. Djaja Kartamiharja
8. Drs. Oma Rustama, M.Pd
9. Karnadi, S.Pd. M. Hum

Visi dan Misi SMPN 5 antara lain :
=> MISI : 1. Membina Imtaq semua warga menuju kegiatan nyata untuk
mempertebal keimanan dan ketaqwaan.
2. Membina akhlak untuk membentuk budi pekerti yang luhur.
3. Membina hubungan yang harmonis antar warga sekolah dan
4. Membina kegiatan keterampilan siswa, guru, ektra kulikuler
sesuai skala prioritas dengan memperhatikan kesehatan dan
kesejahteraan guru yang seimbang.
5. Melaksanakan pengembangan kurikulum yang berstandar

Program Kerja :

1. Mempunyai kurikulum formal mandiri, silabus, perangkat kelengkapaannya dan teradministrasikan yang berstandar nasional dengan menggunakan software dan hardware yang memadai.

2. Seluruh warga sekolah (Kepala Sekolah, guru, dan tenaga tata laksana) melaksanakan tugas dengan penuh tanggung jawab, kompeten, terukur, dan teruji agar dapat menunjukkan kinerja yang profesional guna memenuhi pelayanan prima kepada seluruh stakeholder.

3. Guru menguasai dan melaksanakan berbagai metode, strategi, model, pembelajaran, dan strategi penilaian sehingga siswa dapat belajar dalam situasi menyenangkan, konstruktif, inspiratif, dan motivatif

4. Tersedianya sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran ( ruang belajar 30 kelas, 2 ruang Lab. PA, 1 Perpustakaan, 2 Lab. Komputer, 2 Lab PTD, 1 Lab Bahasa, 2 ruang kesenian, sarana olah raga) dan media pebelajaran yang berteknologi tinggi ( CD interaktif, Internet, TV, Infokus, alat-alat ukur yang berbasis digital)

5. Tercapainya standar ketuntasan belajar minimal seluruh mata pelajaran (75%), sehingga semua siswa dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar 100 % dan dapat memenangkan berbagai lomba baik akademik maupun non akademik.

6. Mempunyai struktur organisasi, uraian tugas yang jelas, instrumen evaluasi kinerja sekolah dalam model manajemen yang baik , dan tercapainya SPM dalam situasi kerja yang kondusif dengan menjalin hubungan kemitraan dengan komite sekolah (terealisasinya 4 fungsinya) dan tersedianya jaringan SIM untuk terciptanya keharmonisan hubungan baik vertikal maupun horizontal

7. Terciptanya jalinan kerja dengan penyandang dana (dunia usaha, stakeholder) dan tergalang dana masyarakat sehingga sekolah dapat menciptakan usaha-usaha dalam upaya mengembangkan potensi internal dan eksternal guna memenuhi standar pembiayaan dan membantu sektor yang kurang mampu (subsidi silang)

8. Terimplementasikan model-model penilaian dan mempunyai pedoman dan instrumen evaluasi dari hasil uji coba untuk mengarah pada pembelajaran anak berprestasi, bermasalah, dan kelainan lainnya dengan menggunakan sistem administrasi sekolah (SAS) dan sistem informasi manajemen.

9. Agar seluruh warga SMP negeri 5 Kota Cirebon dapat melestarikan lingkungan hidup di sekitarnya serta mewujudkan iklim belajar yang memadukan penggunaan sumber belajar disekolah dan diluar sekolah.


Karnadi, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Prestasi yang pernah di raih :
Tahun 2004 Juara II Tingkat Nasional Lomba Integrasi IMTAQ dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Tahun 2006 Juara I Guru Berprestasi Jenjang SMP Tngkat Nasional.

Penghargaan yang pernah Diraih dari Pemerintah:
1. Penghargaan Satya Lancana 10 tahun.
2. Pengharagaan Pancawarsa Pembina Pramuka;
3. Kursus Singkat English First di Perth Australia Barat (2007)
4. Diundang Japan Fondation berkunjung ke 6 kota di Jepang (2008)
5. Ditugaskan oleh UPI untuk mengikuti Seminar Musim Panas di Eropa (Inggris, Prancis, Belgia dan Belanda) 2010.


While in the drop off lane yesterday morning, Chrissa started telling us about what they'd done Monday on the field we were inching past. She and her friends had told scary stories and someone had said there was a ghost at the gym next to the field.
Joseph said that someone had told him there was a ghost at their school, as well. He sounded worried, and the night before had woken up from a scary dream involving ghosts. Chrissa said there isn't any such thing as ghosts, but there are spirits.

I reminded him that God is stronger than any ghosts or spirits, and he should remember that if he got scared. But I also assured him that there wasn't a ghost at school and nothing would bother him. Then he said, "You can be friends with ghosts." I let him know I didn't want him being friends with any ghosts.
Last night he lingered on my bed after story time and prayers, too scared to go to bed even though he rooms with his sister. I prayed one more time, specifically about his fears, and he went off to bed happily.

Parent Category

Cegah Kanker dengan Terung Belanda

Walaupun ada embel-embel Belanda, terong ini sama sekali tidak berasal dari Negeri Kincir Angin itu. Tanaman ini sebenarnya asli dari daerah Amazon

Terung Belanda adalah buah yang berbentuknya bulat kecil, seukuran kepalan tangan orang dewasa. Jika matang warnanya cenderung oranye

Terung Belanda adalah buah yang berbentuknya bulat kecil, seukuran kepalan tangan orang dewasa. Jika matang warnanya cenderung oranye

Pernah dengar buah terung belanda? Bentuknya bulat kecil, seukuran kepalan tangan orang dewasa. Jika matang warnanya cenderung oranye.

Belakangan buah ini terlihat hadir di kios-kios jus, bersanding dengan stroberi, jeruk, mangga, pir, dan aneka buah lain yang sedap dijus. Sayangnya belum banyak yang tahu apa itu terung belanda dan apa saja manfaatnya.

Namun Anda kini bisa memasukkan terung belanda dalam menu makan sehari-hari, sebab rasanya yang masam sangat tepat dibuat jus. Bahkan beberapa orang menikmati buah ini dengan makan begitu saja atau mencampurnya untuk bumbu masakan.

Walaupun ada embel-embel Belanda, terung ini sama sekali tidak berasal dari Negeri Kincir Angin itu. Tanaman ini sebenarnya asli dari daerah Amazon di Amerika Latin. Nama Belanda sangat mungkin ada kaitannya dengan kehadirannya di Indonesia, yang dibawa oleh seorang berkebangsaan Belanda. Terung jenis ini kemudian dikembangkan di Bogor, Jawa Barat sejak tahun 1941.

Terung belanda mengandung provitamin A yang baik untuk kesehatan mata dan vitamin C untuk mengobati sariawan, panas dalam, dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Buah ini juga mengandung antosianin, yang termasuk kedalam golongan flavonoid yang merupakan salah satu jenis antioksidan. Serat yang tinggi di dalam buahnya bermanfaat untuk mencegah kanker dan sembelit.

Lump In Rear Bumper Tread?

Ok. I was talking to my neighbor today and when I turned around I saw this:
see first attachment

I didn't hit anything. No damage to the truck or plastic. It did snow last week but it got up to 50F today. So if it was ice it would have melted. It feels like there is something shoved up under the plastic. Any ideas about what this might be and how to fix it?

See second attachment

Please excuse the blue crocs in this picture

Rooster in Pants

A salesman is talking to a farmer when he looks over and sees a rooster wearing pants, a shirt, and suspenders. He says, "What the hell is that all about?"

The farmer says, "We had a fire in the chicken coop and all his feathers got singed off, so the wife made him some clothes to keep him warm. There ain't nothing funnier than watching him try to hold down a hen with one foot and get his pants down with the other."

Fat Man's Prayer

By Victor Buono
Lord, my soul is ripped with riot
Incited by my wicked diet.

"We are what we eat," said a wise old man,
Lord, if that's true, I'm a garbage can.
To rise on Judgment Day, it's plain,
With my present weight, I'll need a crane.

So grant me strength that I may not fall,
Into the clutches of cholesterol.
May my flesh with carrot-curls be dated,
That my soul may be polyunsaturated

And show me the light that I may bear witness,
To the President's Council on Physical Fitness.
And at oleomargarine I'll never mutter,
For the road to Hell is paved with butter.

And cream is cursed; and cake is awful;
And Satan is hiding in every waffle.
Mephistopheles lurks in pepperoni,
The Devil himself in each slice of bologna.

Beelzebub is a chocolate drop,
And Lucifer is a lollipop.
Give me this day my daily slice,
Cut it thin and toast it twice.

I beg upon my dimpled knees,
Deliver me from jujube's.
And when my days of trial are done,
And my war with malted milk balls won,

Let me stand with Heavenly throng,
In a shining robe - size 30 long.
I can do it Lord, if you'll show to me,
The virtues of lettuce and celery.

Teach me the evil of mayonnaise,
And of pasta a la Milanese.
And crisp-fried chicken from the South,
Lord, if you love me, shut my mouth!


Three Kinds

A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, 'Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?'

The father, surprised, answers, 'Well, son, there are three kinds of Boobs. In her 20's, a woman's are like melons, round and firm. In her 30's to 40's, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions'.


'Yes, you see them and they make you cry.'

This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, 'Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?'.

The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, 'Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20's, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30's and 40's, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50's, it is like a Christmas Tree.'

'A Christmas tree?'

'Yes - the root's dead and the balls are just for decoration.'

Top 3 Things Science Can’t Explain

The WOW! signal
Wow, a secret message from outer space! Twenty years on and still no nearer an answer.

Pioneer’s Funky Voyage
The creators of these deviant probes are ripping their hair out trying to understand what went wrong.

Open your mouth and notice the shockingly fascinating mystery of the yawn.

Microsoft Windows

Perhaps there has ever heard of strangeness in Microsoft Windows. Olive've tried myself and it's true.

The first oddity.
1. Open Notepad
2. Write "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3. Save anywhere
4. Close and open again.
The second oddity.
You will not be able to create folders with names CON anywhere. Please try if you do not believe. 
The third oddity.
Open Microsoft Word

then type "= rand (100, 99)" (without the quotes) 
Then press ENTER
See the results.
If you do not believe please try!
Some say that rarity these things no one can explain. Maybe you know the answer?


Sports should not sports movement in general. Different movements are manifold and this is done by some people. Or at sporting events hit by the opponent, that person would spontaneously act weird. Well, look at the following events!

Gambar lucu Kaki Aneh Kena Muka | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

a funny pictures: taxable foot face

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Sudah Menyerah | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 2: weird people like want to give up

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Celana Sobek | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 3: upps..! ripped pants

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Gak Mau Ditiggalin | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 4: pants in drag

Gambar lucu Orang Unik Menendang Bola Pakai Pantat | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 5: wear ass

Gambar lucu Sapi Unik Ikut Bertanding Bola | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 6: unique cow play football

Gambar lucu Orang Humor Lagi Mau Masukin Bola | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 7: ride jump ball to enter

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Lagi Malu | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 8: shame

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Belajar Melayang | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 9: learn to drift

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Jatuh | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 10: fall sitting

Gambar lucu Orang Aneh Lagi Narsis | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 11: people with a strange expression

Gambar lucu Antara Gay Dan Jujitsu | Foto Lucu | Kartun lucu | Gambar Humor

funny pictures 12: @~!.%^$#%&

Robot Ready to be a 'Master' Great Mathematics

Maybe for some among students, mathematics is a boring lesson. A robot that is able to somersault and dance will be the 'teacher' of mathematics is fun for the pelajar.Adalah Ed-E, a humanoid robot will probably be the coolest math teacher. Revealed by its creator, Jim Wyatt, the presence of Ed-E will help the education world, as quoted from 3News, Monday (01/26/2009). Ed-E can be used as props are fun and inspire interest in students to study complex materials . Armed with a small motor 17, Ed-E will be able to perform movements such as jumps and flips. "It is difficult for the children, even adults to understand the problem of 3-dimensional mathematics and physics. Programs Ed-E and see how the robot movements it will make it easier to understand mathematics and physics, "said Wyatt.Bagi school who wanted this robot to make it up for 428 pound sterling, or approximately USD 6.4 million, more expensive than the consumer version that is 400 pound sterling (approximately USD 6 million), because robot for the school version equipped with educational software packages.