The girls wrote their letters to Santa this morning. The tweenager does not believe in him, of course. She just knows that if she says really sweet things about all his "hard work" and how much she "appreciates" him (and once again reminds him that the only thing she wants for Christmas is a cell phone) that maybe when she wakes up on the morning of the 25th, she'll find that elusive gift under the tree. The present that her parents have sworn she can't have. The only thing she wants.
The wee one is in full Santa mode. She's been dissecting the whole magic thing for about a week now. How does he know where everyone lives? He used to use Google Maps when he was first Santa, but now he's so powerful that he just knows. What does he do when he can't make a present? Why, he just buys it at the store. With the money that he keeps in his beard. (Apparently he keeps candy canes in there, too, in case you were wondering). Her Christmas letters each year thinly mask her unspoken apprehension about what it means for a man (with big, fat and jolly Ho Ho Hos) to come into our house in the middle of the night. However good his intentions might be, there is always a chance that he might break something. Or (gods forbid) wake the dogs. So she is always sure to warn him to be quiet. And careful.
I don't have much on my Christmas list this year. Santa already brought me the one thing I was pining for (a new camera!). But here is my letter.
Dear Santa:
Thank you for stopping by our peaceful and quiet house this holiday season. I appreciate that you got all of your shopping and wrapping done early and that most of the gifts that you are giving were made and purchased locally. Thank you for giving me two children that understand that, while presents are awesome, Christmas is a holiday to celebrate the people we love. Paid days off to sleep in and play and raise a glass to each other. Thank you for giving me a husband that believes in me, totally and unconditionally, and who proves to me, year after year, that I was lucky to find my soul mate so early in this life. Thank you for giving me a little sister who is an incredible addition to our Portland existence. Who has grown so, so much in the last year. And who I love to hang out with. Thank you for bringing the in-laws to celebrate the season with us. And thank you for making them such lovely house guests. Thank you for my two ridiculous little dogs (please don't wake them up). And thank you for all of the amazing people, chosen family and blood relations, that serve to enrich our lives. Have a cookie. And please don't break anything.
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